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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Are Forests Helpful to Prevent Global Warming

Its the common notion that forests remove carbon dioxide from the air and prevent global warming . But it has some falacies according to a new study. There's a kind of forest that does remove carbon dioxide, but does not help prevent global warming because it heats up so much itself. Forests can directly absorb and retain heat, and, in at least one type of forest, these effects may be strong enough to cancel out a good part of the benefit in lowered carbon dioxide, says a discovery by chemistry researchers at the Weizmann Institute (WI), Israel.
For the past 10 years, WI has been operating a research station in the semi-arid Yatir Forest, a pine forest at the edge of the Negev Desert. This station is part of a worldwide project comprising over 400 stations, called FLUXNET, which probes the link among forests, the atmosphere and climate around the globe. Forests counteract the greenhouse effect by removing heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in living trees. Over the years of measurement, Yakir's group has found that the semi-arid forest, even though not as luxuriant as temperate forests farther north, is a surprisingly good carbon sink - better than most European pine forests and about on par with the global average. This was unexpected news for a forest sitting at the edge of a desert, and it indicated that there is real hope for the more temperate forests if things heat up under future global change scenarios. But forests do more than just store carbon dioxide, and Yakir, together with Eyal Rotenberg, decided to look at the larger picture - the 'total energy budget' of a semi-arid forest. The first hint they had that other processes might be counteracting the cooling effect of carbon dioxide uptake came when they compared the forest's albedo - how much sunlight is reflected from its surface back into space - with that of the nearby open shrub land. They found that the dark forest canopy had a much lower albedo, absorbing quite a bit more of the sun's energy than the pale, reflective surface of surrounding area. In a cloudless environment with high levels of solar radiation, albedo becomes an important factor in surface heating.

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