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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Global Warming- Is It Really As Dangeous As Campaigned, Dangers of Gobal Warming- Are They Over Emphasized

Andy Pitman, an Australian scientist (co-authour the controversial climate change report) tried to defend the errors found in it. He said that one or two mistakes does not undermine the case of global warming. Andy Pitman, co-director of University of NSW climate change research centre and key author of the IPCC's 2001 and 2007 reports, said that there might be two paragraphs that have been questioned in a 1600-page document but there are the other 1599 pages that nobody has found any problems with. The prediction that Himalayan glaciers could disappear by 2035 has now been shown to be unfounded but Pitman said while the date may be wrong the outcome will be the same. Its not that the Himalayan glaciers are not vulnerable to climate change or are not melting or are not melting at an accelerated rate. It is the date of 2035 that is a bit doubtful. What is more worrying to Prof Pitman is the revelation that the IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri may have benefited from the errors by receiving funding for his research institute. This is yet another blow for climate scientists and Pitman said it will give climate change sceptics ammunition to continue their attacks. It's very clear that increased CO2 and other greenhouse gases are causing climate change but it certainly wont stop the sceptics using the information for their own purpose. Pitman said he believed concerted efforts by sceptics to attack and misinform the community are working, very similar to the efforts of tobacco lobbyists who deny the health effects of smoking. If climate scientists losethe fight with the sceptics , it will be the most unfortunate thing to the future of mankind.

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